Training Driver Professionally for the Trucking Industry
Truck Training
Circle Checks
Students receiving instructions on circle checks and then performing circle checks.
In-Cab Training
We have a wide variety of equipment to train our students on. We at OTTA believe that a professionally trained driver needs to know how to operate many kinds of transmissions and different truck styles. We try to have our students out on all of our equipment.
We offer training on:
- 48ft. and 53ft. Trailers
- Loaded, Van, and Flat Deck Trailers
- Day and Full Size, and Conventional Cabs
- 6, 7 Speed Straight Trucks
- Highway Units
- 13 speed dump truck with a 20 Tonne Float Trailer
Driving Skills & Coupling
Strong emphasis is given on backing. Here a student backs between cones.
A student practicing live driving skills.
Students being taught coupling.
Students being taught on the principles of 5th-wheel inspections.
Please view our Driving Skills and Coupling gallery.
CHEX TV News Watch Video - In-Truck Lesson